DocsWishlistPopup modals

Popup modal settings

General options and style options for Addonify Wishlist popup modals.

Success modal options

Action after successfully adding or removing product from wishlist.

This feature allows you to change the label of the view wishlist link button in the popup modal after product is added to wishlist.

view wishlist button label

Product added to wishlist text

This feature allows you to customize the text of the success message in the success modal.

Product already in wishlist text

This feature allows you to customize the label of the Add to Wishlist button after product is successfully added to wishlist.

Product removed from wishlist text

This feature allows you to customize the text of the success message in the success modal after product is successfully removed from wishlist.

Wishlist emptied text

This feature allows you to customize the text of the success message in the success modal after wishlist is successfully emptied.

Error modal options

Error message to display for user after failing to add or remove product from wishlist.

Product could not be added to wishlist text

This feature allows you to customize the text of the error message in the error modal after product is unable to be added to wishlist.

Product could not be removed from wishlist text

This feature allows you to customize the text of the error message in the error modal after product is unable to be removed from wishlist.

Security token error message

This feature allows you to customize the text of the error message in the error modal after security token is invalid.

Invalid product id error message

This feature allows you to customize the text of the error message in the error modal after product id is invalid.

Invalid product error message

This feature allows you to customize the text of the error message in the error modal after product is invalid.

Product not in wishlist error message

This feature allows you to customize the text of the error message in the error modal after product is not exists in wishlist.

Wishlist could not be emptied error message

This feature allows you to customize the text of the error message in the error modal after wishlist is unable to be emptied.

Login modal options

Login options for non logged in user.

Login required text

This feature allows you to customize the text of the login modal when login is required.

This feature allows you to customize the label of the login link button in the login modal.

Confirmation modal options

Confirmation message for emptying wishlist.

Confirmation text message for emptying wishlist

This feature allows you to customize the text of the confirmation message in the confirmation modal after wishlist is emptied.

Confirm button label

This feature allows you to change the label of the confirm button in the confirmation modal.

Color options for Wishlist modal.

Close button icon color

This feature allows you to change the color of the close button icon in the modal box.

Close button icon color

This feature allows you to change the background color of the modal overlay.

This feature allows you to change the background color of the modal box.

This feature allows you to change the color of the wishlist icon in the modal box.