Wishlist page

General option and style options for Addonify Wishlist page.

Page options

General options related to Addonify Wishlist page.

Text when the wishlist is empty

This feature allows you to customize the text of the wishlist page when the wishlist is empty.

Enable this feature to display a link to the wishlist page when wishlist is empty.

Page to be linked

Select the page to be linked when wishlist is empty.

This feature allows you to change the label of the link to the wishlist page when wishlist is empty.

Button to empty wishlist options

Button to clear all the wishlist.

Display button to empty wishlist

By enabling this feature user can empty the wishlist by clicking an Clear Wishlist button. This button will be displayed on the wishlist page when wishlist is not empty.

clear wishlist

Button label

This feature allows you to change the label of the Clear Wishlist button.