Compare Products Design
All the colors and designs of the Addonify Compare Products plugin can be configured here.
Interface design
All the color and interface design of the Addonify Compare Products plugin can be enable or disable here.
Enable dynamic styles
By enabling this feature, styles from plugin will be applied.
Compare button colors
Label color
This feature allows you to change the color of the Compare
button label.
Floating dock colors
Background color
This feature allows you to change the background color of the floating dock.
Search modal colors
Overlay color
This feature allows users to change the background color of the search modal overlay. When a user clicks the add product (plus) button on the floating dock, the search modal will open
Add button label color
This feature allows you to change the color of the product add button label in the search modal.
Close button label color
This feature allows you to change the color of the close button label in the search modal.
Comparison table colors
Overlay color
This feature allows you to change the color of the comparison table overlay.
Table header background color
This feature allows you to change the background color of the comparison table header.
Product remove button background color
This feature allows you to change the background color of the product remove button.
Custom CSS
You can add custom CSS code here to the design.