DocsWishlistGeneral settings

General Settings

General settings and style options for Addonify Wishlist.

Genral options

General options related to Addonify Wishlist.

Enable wishlist

By enabling this feature you can add products to your wishlist. You can also view your wishlist from the wishlist page.


Wishlist page

This feature allows user to view their wishlist on selected page.

Login required

If this feature is enable, only logged in user can add product to wishlist.

Action on add to wishlist button for guest user

If login required settings is set to true and non login user try to add product to the wishlist, then you can select the action that you want to perform on the add to wishlist button for guest user. We have two options: redirect to login page or display login popup message.

Remove product from wishlist after added to cart

By enabling this feature you can remove product from wishlist after added to cart.

Enable wishlist tab on my account page

By enabling this feature you can add wishlist tab and wishlist page on My account page.

Styles options

Wishlist styles setting options.

Custom CSS

If you want to add custom CSS, then you can add your custom CSS here.

Product options

Wishlist product options.

Product in stock label

Label for in stock product.

Product out of stock label

Label for out of stock product.