Compare products general options
General setting related to the Compare Products plugin.
Enable products comparison
By enabling this feature, the compare button will be displayed on the shop page, allowing users to compare products and view the comparison table. If this feature is disabled, users will not be able to compare products
Enable login required
By enabling this feature, users must be logged in to compare products. If this feature is disabled, users can compare products without being logged in.
Enable products comparison on products loop
By enabling this feature, users can compare products on the product loop page. If this feature is disabled, the compare product button will not be displayed on the product loop page.
Products comparison display
This feature allows users to choose whether to display the comparison table on popup modal or on the product detail page.
Products comparison page
This feature allows users to view the comparison table on selected page.
Time to save compare data
This feature allows users to choose the time to save the compare data in browser cookies. Default value is 30 days.