Requires pro
Product navigation is a pro feature. You need to upgrade to pro version to unlock this feature. If you have already upgraded to pro version, ignore this message.
Quick view product navigation
Add quick product navigation to your Quick View popup modal. This feature allows customers to view the details of the next and previous products without closing the Quick View popup.
Navigation options
General options related to navigation button.
Enable products navigation ( pro )
This feature enable or disable product navigation feature on Quick View popup modal.
Display product image( pro )
Displays product image on navigation button.
Display product title ( pro )
Displays product title on navigation button when hover on the button.
Navigation Styles Options
Options related to navigation button styles.
Background color ( pro )
Sets the background color for the navigation buttons.
Max product title length ( pro )
Sets the maximum length for the product title. If the product title is longer than the specified length, it will be truncated. The maximum length is set to 50 characters.