Helper functions

Addonify Wishlist has defined some useful helper functions that you may want to use. The helper functions could be found inside inc/addonify-wishlist-helper-functions.php file.

 * Get the items in the wishlist.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @return array $wishlist_items Array of wishlist items.
function addonify_wishlist_get_wishlist_items()
 * Get the count of items in the wishlist.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @return int Count of items.
function addonify_wishlist_get_wishlist_items_count()
 * Check if product is in wishlist.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @param int $product_id Product ID.
 * @return boolean True if product is in wishlist, false otherwise.
function addonify_wishlist_is_product_in_wishlist( $product_id )
 * Get wishlist button label.
 * If $in_wishlist is true, then already in wishlist button label will be returned. Else, active wishlist button label  * will be returned.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @param boolean $in_wishlist If the item is in wishlist.
 * @return string
function addonify_wishlist_get_button_label( $in_wishlist = false )
 * Get wishlist page url.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @return string|boolean $wishlist_page_url Wishlist page url if found else false.
function addonify_wishlist_get_wishlist_page_url()

Above functions about getting products, product count and checking if product is in wishlist only work when user is logged in as they are saved in database.

There are also custom JavaScript event triggers that you can use.

// addonify_added_to_wishlist fires after a product is added to the wishlist.
	function (
				productID: $product_id,
				itemsCount: $no_of_items_in_wishlist,
				thisButton: $current_add_to_wishlist_button,
				modalContentUpdateData: $html_update_modal_data,
	) {}
// addonify_added_to_wishlist fires after a product is removed from the wishlist.
	function (
				productID: $product_id,
				productName: $product_name,
				itemsCount: $no_of_items_in_wishlist,
				thisButton: $current_add_to_wishlist_button,
				modalContentUpdateData: $html_update_modal_data,
	) {}

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