This shortcode is used for displaying products comparison table.
This shortcode is used for displaying compare button. The shortcode accepts four parameters:
- product_id – used for passing the ID of a WooCommerce product. If the shortcode is being used outside of a product loop, then the parameter is required.
- button_label – used for passing the label to the button.
- classes – used for passing additional CSS class(es) to the button. When passing the CSS class(es), the CSS classes should be separated by a space.
- button_icon_position – used for displaying icon and specifying it’s location in the button. The value for the parameter should be either ‘left‘, ‘right‘, or ‘none‘.
An example of compare button shortcode with four parameters is as below:
[addonify_compare_button product_id="1" button_label="Compare" classes="class-one class-two class-three" button_icon_position="left"]