Support & Discussion
Addonify Compare Products is a 100% FREE open-source software licensed under GPL. The source code used to build the plugin is available to review & is free to use as well as redistribute. If you are a developer you can get involved as much as you can to make the Addonify Compare Products a better plugin.
Below are the ways you can connect with us:
Questioning & Discussing Ideas:
All our discussions related to the Addonify Compare Products occur on the GitHub Discussion Board. You can ask any questions, share your ideas, and request for features on this board.
Reporting a bug:
If you have any bugs or issues to report or search for any issues, report and search them on GitHub Issues Board.
If you wish to submit the issue related to the Addonify Compare Products, follow the steps below.
- On the plugins GitHub repository, click on Issues then click the New Issue button.
- Click on Get Started of Bug report template.
- Fill in the title and the fill in the required information.
- Once you fill in all the required information as shown in the above screenshot, click Submit New Issue button.
On this GitHub board, you can track newly submitted issues and their responses.