JavaScript Events
We have added some javascript event API since v1.2.8
Event: modal opened
The following event is fired when the addonify quick view modal is opened.
// Vanilla JavaScript document.addEventListener('addonifyQuickViewModalOpened', (e) => { // Your custom code here. }); // jQuery $(document).on('addonifyQuickViewModalOpened', (e) => { // Your custom code here. });
Event: modal content loaded
Once the modal content is loaded/hydrated after the AJAX call this event is fired.
// Vanilla JavaScript document.addEventListener('addonifyQuickViewModalContentLoded', (e, eventData) => { // Your custom code here. }); // jQuery $(document).on('addonifyQuickViewModalContentLoded', (e, eventData) => { // Your custom code here. });
Event: modal closed
The following event is fired when the modal is closed.
// Vanilla JavaScript document.addEventListener('addonifyQuickViewModalClosed', (e) => { // Your custom code here. }); // jQuery $(document).on('addonifyQuickViewModalClosed', (e) => { // Your custom code here. });